固定式条码阅读器 1D / 2D

Stationary 1D/2D code readers
Camera-based bar code readers for stationary use: These code readers reliably capture 1D- and 2D-codes; depending on the type, printed or directly marked, omnidirectional, static or in fast motion as well as inverse or mirrored codes. Various version are available with respect to size, degrees of protection IP 67 or 69K, speed or interfaces.
DCR 200i
Advantages for you
- Easy and fast commissioning
A wizard integrated in the WebConfig tool guides you quickly and easily through the setup process and simplifies commissioning. For simple applications, the DCR 200i can also be set up for the reading task without a PC using just two buttons on the device - Codes can be read on various materials
Interfering reflections can be reduced thanks to exchangeable polarization filters and diffusor foils - Detection, even at high object speeds
High reading performance and powerful LED illumination enable a good reading result even at high object speeds or partially damaged codes. - Attractively priced thanks to modular set-up
Thanks to the modular design, the DCR 200i is exactly adapted to the requirements of your application with respect to function range and power.
Die lückenlose Rückverfolgbarkeit Ihrer Produkte von der Produktion bis hin zum Verbraucher wird immer relevanter. Ob Allergenmanagement bei Nahrungsmitteln, Bestückungsprüfungen in der Pharmaindustrie, Versandlabelkontrolle im Bereich Verpackung oder Prüfung der Produktqualität in der Elektronikindustrie - die schnelle und zuverlässige Identifikation von 1D- und 2D-Codes ist unverzichtbar.
Der Dual-Code-Reader DCR 200i kombiniert eine einfache Handhabung mit einer hoher Leseleistung – auch bei anspruchsvollen Leseaufgaben und unterstützt so bei:
- Identifikation - Sicherstellen, dass das Etikett mit Produkt, Barcode und/oder Data-Matrix-Codes bedruckt wurde
- Track and Trace - Rückverfolgung von Zutaten und verpackten Produkten während der Fertigung.

Codelesung im Produktionsbereich
In der Endmontage werden Codes zur Rückverfolgung einzelner Bauteile eingesetzt. Diese müssen auf einer Förderstrecke mit teils hoher Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit gelesen werden.
Die 1D-/2D-Codeleser DCR 200i ermöglichen durch ihre hohe Scanrate das Lesen von Codes auf schnell bewegten Objekten. Zudem sind Optikvarianten für unterschiedliche Lesereichweiten verfügbar.

Codekontrolle in der Elektronikfertigung

Versandlabel-Kontrolle in der Förder-Lagertechnik

Codeprüfung auf Pharmaverpackungen

Etikettenkontrolle im Lebensmittelbereich
DCR 1048i
The high-performance code reading algorithm of the DCR 1048i ensures extremely high reading rates. As an option, this model has an improved algorithm specially conceived for DPM codes.
Advantages for you
- 1D-/2D-code reading with one image processing sensor
- Enhanced reading algorithm specially for DPM codes
- Fast commissioning
- Support of common industrial protocols
- Exchangeable lenses for flexibility in terms of distance, field of view and resolution
- Multicode decoding also possible

DCR 1048i: Simultaneous reading of multiple 1D and 2D-codes
A secondary packaging has both a 1D-code and a 2D-code. For quality assurance purposes, the codes are to be scanned before insertion as a pack of 5 into a carton. During the process, the codes are to be identified simultaneously with a single scan irrespective of the code type.
The new DCR 1048i can read either single 1D and 2D-codes or any number of 1D and 2D-codes simultaneously without problem by means of multicode decoding.

DCR 1048i: Reading of codes printed directly on packaging material
A 2D-code is printed directly on secondary packaging. The decoding of these so-called DPM codes is essential for the traceability of the products.
The DCR 1048i DPM Simple Vision sensor has an optimized reading algorithm which is specially designed for decoding codes that are printed directly on packaging.

DCR 1048i: Code reading for detecting the alignment of bags on conveyor lines
On bagged products, a code is printed on the rear side of the packaging. This code is to be used to check that all bagged products are aligned correctly before they are automatically packed into a carton.
The DCR 1048i can identify the codes to check whether or not the bagged product is aligned correctly. Alternatively, pattern detection can also be used to detect the correct alignment of the bagged products.
DCR 50/55
Compact 1D- and 2D-code readers as module or in aluminum housing. CMOS imager and integrated decoder for all commonly used 1D and 2D codes. RS 232 or USB interface, one trigger input, one switching output, degree of protection IP 54.
Advantages for you
- Very small construction
- Ready to read all common codes
- RS 232 or USB interfaces
- Simple configuration with the Sensor Studio PC software

Codelesung manuell und im Präsentationsmodus
Es müssen von einem Analyseautomat 1D-/2D-Codes auf Proben gelesen werden. Für den Einsatz in kleinen Analyseautomaten sind Geräte in Modulbauweise erforderlich.
Die 1D-/2D-Codeleser DCR 50 können durch seine geringe Baugröße und offene Bauweise optimal unter beengten Platzverhältnissen integriert werden.

Codelesung auf Reagenzien
Es müssen von einem Analyseautomat 1D-/2D-Codes auf Proben oder Reagenzien gelesen werden. Für den Einsatz in kleinen Analyseautomaten sind Geräte in Modulbau weise erforderlich.
Die 1D-/2D-Codeleser DCR 55 können Codes in einem großen Lesebereich auf langsam bewegten Objekten lesen. Für besonders beengte Einbausituationen ist der DCR 50 als Variante ohne Gehäuse verfügbar.

Codelesung im Tube-Sorter
Vor der weiteren Verarbeitung müssen 1D-/2D-Codes zur Sortierung gelesen werden.
Die 1D-/2D-Codeleser DCR 55 können Codes in einem großen Lesebereich auf Objekten lesen. Für besonders beengte Einbausituationen ist der DCR 50 ohne Gehäuse verfügbar.
LSIS 220
The LSIS 220, with its optimized optics and resolution, offers large function reserves for reliable code reading, even while in motion. It quickly and reliably detects bar codes, stacked codes and 2D-codes.
Advantages for you
- Improved optics for larger read field and in-focus detection all the way to the edge areas, optimized resolution of 844x640 pixels for fast code reading
- Detection of 2D-codes, stacked codes and bar codes
- RS 232 or USB interface
- Switching input (trigger)
- Trigger button for manual activation and parameterization
- Construction without mechanically moved parts, robust metal housing with glass window and degree of protection IP 65 make the devices very well suited for industrial use
- Extremely small construction size, also for installation under difficult conditions

Codelesung manuell und in Präsentationsmodus
In Montageprozessen bei denen große, unterschiedliche Bauteile händisch bewegt werden, muss eine Codelesung sowohl automatisch als auch manuell möglich sein.
Die 1D-/2D-Codeleser LSIS 220 verfügen über unterschiedliche Triggermöglichkeiten für automatischen und manuellen Betrieb.
Products in the overview
DCR 50/55 miniature scanner | Simple Vision Sensor DCR 1048i | DCR 200i compact scanner | LSIS 220 compact scanner | |
Description | Compact 1D- and 2D-code readers | 1D-/2D-code reading with one image processing sensor Enhanced reading algorithm specially for DPM codes | Fast 1D- and 2D-code reading with modular design | Compact 1D- and 2D-code reading |
Areas of application | Code reading on objects at a standstill or with slow movement speed in constrained spaces | Code reading on packaging for quality assurance or for detection of alignment on conveyor lines, multicode decoding, DPM code reading | Code reading on objects with high movement speed | Manual code reading and reading in presentation mode |
Integrated interfaces | RS232; USB | I/O, TCP/IP, PROFINET, FTP or SFTP | RS232/422; TCP/IP; PROFINET; EtherNet/IP | RS232; USB |
Reading range | 30 – 425 mm | 50 - 2,000 mm, depending on optics | 40 – 800 mm | 50 – 330 mm |
Image resolution | 1,280 x 960 pixels | 1,440 x 1,080 pixels; 736 x 480 pixels | 1,280 x 960 pixels | 844 x 640 pixels |
Modulus size | 0.127 – 0.528 mm | 0.1 – 1 mm | 0.1 – 1 mm | 0.127 – 1 mm |
Ambient temperature (operation) | 0 – 50 °C | 0 ... 50 °C | 0 – 50 °C (without heating), –30 – 50 °C (with heating) | 0 – 40 °C |
Dimension (W x H x L) | DCR 50: 31.6 × 12.7 × 27.5 mm DCR 55: 31.5 × 20 × 40.3 mm | 45 x 85 x 35 mm | 43×61×44 mm | 40×32×47 mm |
- 系列: DCR 200i, DCR 200i
- 开关原理: MOSFET-半导体, MOSFET-半导体
- 可读条码类型: UPC码, 2/5隔行扫描码, 32码, Aztec码, Codabar, Code 128, Co...
- 系列: DCR 200i, DCR 200i
- 开关原理: MOSFET-半导体, MOSFET-半导体
- 可读条码类型: EAN 8/13码, 2/5隔行扫描码, 32码, Aztec码, Codabar, Code 12...
- 系列: DCR 200i, DCR 200i
- 开关原理: MOSFET-半导体, MOSFET-半导体
- 可读条码类型: GS1 DataBar, 2/5隔行扫描码, 32码, Aztec码, Codabar, Code ...